Thursday, October 18, 2007

Country Life

These days the farmers are busy with harvesting the rice which has been ripening in full golden ears. Any flat surface, such as roads, is covered with freshly harvested rice drying in the daytime warmth. Last month, in late summer, early autumn, we had red peppers, also laid on the roads, drying in the hot dry air and farmers were planting crops of cabbage and radish. Soon, in early winter, these will be harvested and with the sauce made from the dried chillies and other ingredients made into the winter kimchi.

Other seasonal patterns surround us. As I write these words I am on the train into Seoul. Today it's full; autumn picnickers and mountain climbers and school groups on days out have taken all the seats. A crocodile line of elementary school students in identical black track pants, black and white striped tops and orange and yellow back packs has just taken over the aisle. Passengers sitting nearby are sharing snacks with the children. Those nearby me are very curious about what this foreigner with a laptop is writing about. In summer it was students during the summer vacation. The university students are busy with mid-semester exams this and next week so they are not to be seen. I'm pleased I made an advance reservation today, or else I would be standing for the 1 hour, 40 minute trip into Seoul.

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