Tuesday, March 13, 2007

Return of the Lost Son

I'm preaching on this text this Sunday and it has been fascinating to explore some of what the web has to offer.

A thought-provoking sermon by the Rev'd Dr Barbara Brown Taylor, Episcopalian priest, teacher, writer.

A collection of resources and links from the Girardian reflections on the lectionary website.

A sermon by Paul J. Nuechterlein, Delivered at Zion Lutheran Church - also from the Girardian reflections (If you haven't yet encountered the thought of René Girard and his mimetic theory you can learn more there - I find it a gives a whole new positive way of seeing Christ's death and resurrection in relation to the human desires for vengeance and exclusion.)

A sermon by Andrew Marr OSB from his community's website Seeking Peace - a Benedictine web site with articles on peace and spirituality.

Clip art from Crux Blanca (The Franciscans of the White Cross)

And finally a real old fashioned book with paper pages - Henri Nouwen's reflections on this parable and on Rembrandt's painting of it in the Hermitage Musuem, St Petersburg - it's the picture at the top of this posting.

There's also an immense amount of rubbish about this parable on the internet. Such as saying it's not really for Christians today because it doesn't illustrate true repentance. The young man just wanted to get back to somewhere there was dinner... You can find it all in Google.

I'll post my sermon next week.

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