Tuesday, March 13, 2007

flying friar

From the departure lounge at Newcastle Airport:

Yes - you are right. Blogging from a departure lounge is as pointless as those mobile phone conversations which go like, "Yes, I'm at the airport, yes, I've checked in, yes, I'm waiting to board the plane, yes, it's on time. yes, I'll call you when I get there."

Except I'm just enjoying this for the sake of doing it!

I'll be in Melbourne for the next six days, based at St Peter's Eastern Hills, where I'll be preaching on Sunday and generally just renewing our connections with the parish.
The parish is a
"place of soul-stirring liturgy, challenging preaching, fine music,
concern for issues of justice and peace - and it is a place of warm care
and welcome: a community gathered in the name of the Lord."

What a challenge to meet!