Monday, April 21, 2008

blogger returns

Yes - I am back in Korea after nearly five months away. I've unpacked my bag for the last time and sorted out the pile of stuff it carried round the world. There are still three packets coming from England by surface post.

Back at the friary I've been organising my work for the next few months.

Apart from my share of the housework and dealing with the usual crises (the latest is the friary water supply and we are reaping the consequences of a system which was cobbled together on the cheap by the retreat house construction company) my goals are:

study: more of the Franciscan stuff and in particular the hurdles which are set by the Univeristy of Wales, Lampeter for its MA students - a short essay and an encyclopaedia article. And also reviving my nearly defunct Latin study.

SSF stuff: preparation for the First Order Chapters in Stroud in August/September.

Other things: writing blog entries (of course); putting photos online (maybe in Flickr); continuing teaching myself to fly (in Microsoft Flight Simulator - not in real planes) and maybe even managing a complete flight one day.

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