Monday, October 29, 2007

Flying Friar

The friar is flying again. After a hectic week with last minute preparations complicated by a hard disk failure and needing to restore everything I'm catching the plane to Brisbane for a provincial chapter. And 5 days later returning to Korea.

After that it's the peace conference - - and my duties on the staff of that.

And two days after that finishes I depart Korea for 5 months overseas - mostly for my Franciscan study in Canterbury.

So if there is anyone still checking here occasionally for news or photos there might be - and as I get occasion in travels I will try to write.

The book I am reading at the moment: "Riding the gentled ox home"
by a kiwi friend of mine, Graeme Webb. He explores the Buddhist ox-herding pictures from a Christian perspective. Buy it!

1 comment:

Rich Johnston said...

Just in time for...