Thursday, January 18, 2007

Learning Latin part 2

Those sailors and the girls.
Unit 4 introduces me to adjectives (which like everything else in Latin take a multitude of disguises) and for those who were wondering about the sailors and girls (see previous post) I can report that:
O puellae pulchrae, in oppido vestro sunt nautae mali, et per cunctas vias ambulant.
- which for those of you who have not persevered as far as I have, can be translated as:
O fair girls, there are bad sailors in your city and they are walking through all the streets.
So now you know. (I think the sailors are bad in the moral sense, although they might be excellent navigators)

But I do recommend a fun and instructive website
it's the U.K. National Archives Latin tutorial site. Although it doesn't have bad sailors roaming the streets yet.

Thursday, January 04, 2007

Learning Latin

My ambition this year is to learn Latin so that I can read Franciscan sources in their original language. I think this will be a long way off. I've started with Lesson One in "Teach Yourself Latin". There are many grammar rules but the general rule is that every rule has at least three exceptions.

I love the short sentences we start with:
Ubi sunt nautae? (Where are the sailors?)
Nautae in taberna sunt. (The sailors are in the tavern)
In tabernis puellae non sunt. (The girls are not in the taverns)

Obviously someone is waiting for the ferry to depart but the sailors are nowhere to be seen. But why are they bothering going to girl-less taverns? I suspect these sailors will be very disappointed when they finally return to the ship. Or perhaps we shouldn't be thinking about these things. Certainly not about girls who might frequent taverns (with or without sailors).